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Website Spark Generation Kent 07
Spark Generation Podcast: Series 1, Episode 7
A new kind of energy with John Kent
Humansof Kent Dylan new 01
Inclusion & Belonging
Humans of Kent: Dylan Barry, Business Intern, Dubai
Humans of Kent: Dylan Barry, Ireland (and Dubai)
Humansof Kent Victoria 01
Inclusion & Belonging
Humans of Kent: Victoria Fradette, HR Manager, Houston
Humans of Kent: Victoria Fradette, Canada (and Houston)
Humansof Kent Louise 01
Inclusion & Belonging
Humans of Kent: Louise Mendes, Finance Manager, Calgary
Humans of Kent: Louise Mendes, Brazil (and Calgary)
Humansof Kent Tansulu 01
Inclusion & Belonging
Humans of Kent: Tansulu Turdaliyeva, Training Co-ordinator, Kazakhstan
Humans of Kent: Tansulu Turdaliyeva, Kazakhstan
Humansof Kent Indira 01
Inclusion & Belonging
Humans of Kent: Indira Kadyrkhanova, Training & Development Manager, Kazakhstan
Humans of Kent: Indira Kadyrkhanova, Kazakhstan
Top Tech Leader Award for Damian O Gara
Events & Awards
Top Tech Leader Award for Damian O'Gara
Damian O'Gara, Top Tech Leader
Humansof Kent Melody 01
Inclusion & Belonging
Humans of Kent: Melody Sheybani, Senior HR Business Partner, Dubai
Humans of Kent: Melody Sheybani, USA, Iran (and Dubai)
Craft 3
the energy within.

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