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Confidential client

Variable speed drive water injection pump installation in an oilfield development project

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16 wells and 10.5 km of water line upgrades
Location: Saudi Arabia
Operator: Confidential client
Scope: Procurement and Construction

Upgrading the water injection capabilities at our client’s water injection plant. The scope includes the procurement and installation of one new Variable Speed Drive (VSD) Water Injection Pumps, as well as the upgrade of three existing water injection pumps and their auxiliaries. The work encompasses demolition, civil, structural, piping, electrical, instrumentation, control systems, and telecommunications necessary to support the upgrades and new installation.


  • Installation of one new VSD Water Injection Pump.
  • Upgrading of three existing water injection pumps and their auxiliaries.
  • Full procurement and construction of all mechanical equipment.
  • Associated demolition, civil, structural, piping, electrical, instrumentation, control systems, and telecommunications work.
Craft 3
the energy within.

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