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Saint John LNG - Repsol

Saint-John Boil-Off Gas (BOG) Liquefaction Facility

Saint John Canada banner
An efficient BOG recovery system that drives plant efficiency and operational flexibility
Location: New Brunswick, Canada
Duration: 2024 – 2025
Scope: Complete EPCM execution
Operator: Saint John LNG, a Canadian limited partnership owned by Repsol

LNG facilities face challenges with boil-off gas (BOG) as stored LNG vaporises. The BOG must then be re-liquefied or sent to the pipeline.

Repsol was looking to add boil-off gas (BOG) liquefaction at the Saint John LNG Facility via a new 10 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD) BOG recovery system. This arrangement allows for full recovery of BOG when operating in zero send-out conditions, therefore, improving overall facility efficiency and operational flexibility.

Our Kent Canada team is providing full EPCM services, from detailed design, and construction management through to commissioning and start-up, to integrate the new BOG recovery system into the existing plant including piping tie-ins, control system modifications, and installation of a new electrical substation.

Our Scope:

  • Detailed engineering: integration of the BOG liquefaction unit into the main plant
  • Procurement: Manage procurement and supply chain activities related to balance of plant and construction activities
  • Construction Management: Mobilise the local construction management team in Saint John to oversee all the contractors and trades required to complete the construction
  • Pre-commissioning & Commissioning: Manage the transition into pre-commissioning and commissioning by progressively mobilising our Kent Commissioning team to bring the new installation to ready-for-start-up status.
Craft 3
the energy within.

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