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Operations and Maintenance

QGC Upstream

APAC 0026 22919 QGC
A 3-year extension to the operations and maintenance services contract with Shell Australia for its QGC upstream asset
Location: Western Downs, Queensland, Australia
Operator: QGC (Shell Australia)
Duration: 2019 - ongoing
Scope: Operations and maintenance support

We are currently providing personnel to support the maintenance and operations programme for the QGC upstream assets comprising of 24 field compression stations, six central gas processing plants, five sales stations and one power station.

The scope also includes operations and maintenance of approximately 3,000 wells and the 450km pipeline connecting the CPPs to the LNG liquefaction plant located on Curtis Island. Kent began working with QGC in March 2022, commissioning the upstream assets, and in September 2019, Kent was awarded the O&M services contract for the upstream assets.

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