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Confidential client

GOSPs Optimisation for Long-Term Sustainable Crude Oil Production

Engineer in a platform
Five Gas and Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs)
Location: Saudi Arabia
Operator: Confidential
Duration: 2024 - 2027
Scope: EPC

This project focuses on debottlenecking the production facilities at five Gas and Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs), with a combined processing capacity of over 1,000 MBOD of Arabian Light (AL) crude oil. The objective is to optimise production and ensure the Maximum Sustainable Capability (MSC) in line with our client's latest production forecasts, which project an increased water cut in the coming years.

The initiative aims to maintain optimal crude oil production over the next 20 years, aligning with strategic goals of maximising profitability and ensuring a reliable supply of crude oil.


  • Modifications to five GOSPs.
Craft 3
the energy within.

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