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Confidential client

Expanding Gas Infrastructure for Enhanced System Integration

7 wells, 142 km flow lines, and power upgrades
Location: Saudi Arabia
Operator: Confidential client
Duration: 2021 - 2024
Scope: EPC

Connected 7 new wells to the client’s existing gas infrastructure by tying in 141 km of underground 6-inch RTP flow lines, ensuring seamless integration with the current system, and executed a hot cutover to enhance the control system, integrating the new wells into the major control system managing 43 gas wells and 5 gas processing facilities. The project also included the construction of 76 km of overhead power lines to provide reliable power to the facilities. With a strong focus on safety and efficiency, we achieved over 1.7 million work hours without any Lost Time Injury (LTI) while delivering extensive high-pressure gas flow lines and power infrastructure in a short timeframe.


  • Connection of 7 new wells with existing Surface Processing Facilities with 6-inch RTP flow lines.
  • Construction of 76 km of 13.8 kV overhead power lines.
  • Hot cutover for control system enhancement to integrate 7 new wells with the existing control system, managing 43 gas wells and 5 processing facilities.
  • Installation of over 142 km of high-pressure gas flow lines and 75 km of power lines in a condensed project timeline.
Craft 3
the energy within.

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